prince sex slave

The marriage

princess stibian stop making us run like that stibian come here dear . stibian andrew called stibian, stibian and Andrew are a very close friend there were very close then their parents andrew family are friends with stibian family.

Andrew where have you being it has been a while you did not come to see me yesterday. yes but am here now come let me comb your hair it seems you made the servant run like that .

I sat on the bed, andrew start combing my hair.

Andrew I miss you a lot I was interrupt when the servant came knocking on my door I open the door. princess, your high what you in the dinner table . I went to the dinner table has requested my father introduce me to his guest this is my daughter princess stibian she is 10 years while this is her friend prince andrew he is two years older than her .

I great then Im princess way after that we had our dinner.

Andrew carriage came for him he had to go we exchange good bye .

it has being 10 years yet andrew did not come each time I will write a letters. to him and am still writing him a letters but I got no reply

Andrew took

why does she always send this letters, after her father betrayed us now she want my friendship .

her father kill my father I will get my revenge on her for this her father is not alive anymore which will make it easy for me to overpower the kingdow .

I will go meet her tomorrow and try to confuse her to five the thrones to me if she does not I will forcefully collect it then she will know this is not the same andrew she know before.


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