Title: Yeon Seo, please retire.


Yeon Seo [Male actor ], what kind of confidence do you have in acting? Is it your face? Isn't it just a face? (+472)


Yeon Seo's face or physicality cannot be downplayed (ignored).
On the contrary, apart from appearance, there are many other qualities to dislike.


I have been going crazy with the need to talk about Yoo Yeon Seo after watching 'Our Moment'.
If it wasn't for him, Woo's scene would have been more vibrant, but it's fortunate that the writer, Ko Hyeon-Tae was able to rescue it at the end.


It was not a supporting role, but instead, it was a lead role, and yet the acting was so bad.
I wonder if the writer mistakenly switched the lead and supporting actors – (*lol*).


And why are people in the industry so eager to give work to Yoo Yeon Seo, who can't even act? A lead role as well?


For starters, Yoo Yeon Seo's agency, Halo Media, is a small but still quite a good production and talent agency.
Their affiliated actors are also well-known such as Lim Hye-Seo, who won the Rookie Actor award this time, and Kim Min Seong.
It shows that they have good talent-scouting abilities and also know how to produce good works.


So, is it true that Yoo Yeon Seo, who couldn't act well, was fired by their agency? The answer is an obvious no.”

If you combine the representative interviews and industry rumours, it seems that Yoo Yeo Seo is not getting support from their agency.
No that can't be right.
[Or rather, it's more accurate to say that they choose to not receive support].


So what's the reason then?


Amazingly, Yoo Yeon Seo is emerging as the hope for rookie directors and writers.
Why? Because as soon as he is cast as the lead role, the investment of the Jusung Group affiliates and numerous sponsorship requests pour in.
Naturally, this is a highly attractive incentive.


Therefore, a work which does not receive support from a production company and there is no promise that it will see the light of day coupled with a desperate writer.
The writer can only tearily upcall up Yoo Yeon Seo.
What's more frustrating is that Yoo Yeon Seo has an eye for picking projects.
Every show he is in has good-quality production, above-average viewing ratings and audience involvement.
As for the acting? Oh my (*lol*)

Yeo Yeon Seo's activities will continue so as long as Jusung Group does not go bankrupt.
And if Jusung Group goes bankrupt, then Korea will also go bankrupt.
Therefore, it won't happen.


Unless Yoo Yeon Seo suddenly goes crazy and decides to retire so as to take over and manage Jusung subsidiaries, he will continue to act.
It is indeed a very unfortunate thing.


+) Anyway, this love letter will be shredded to pieces once its blows up in about 10 minutes.
I am also scared of Yoo Yeon Seo's fans.



└ Yeon Seo, let's retire


└└2222 Yeon Seo, please retire


└ My friend was a fan of Yoon Sun Gan, but he said that Yoo Yeon Seo was ruined by terrible writing in the end.
I don't think he can't act because of his wealth.


└ Yoo Yeon Seo's estimated wealth is reportedly in the trillions.


└└ What?


└└└ I am so envious


└Every sentence is reputable, but why did you have to write a preview?


└└Yoo Yeon Seo's fandom is famous for being maliciousㅇㅇIt's to the point that would make Harabi look like the good guy (*lol*)


└└└It's amazing that even though I can't do my main job well, I have so many fans (*lol*)


└└└└Your face is a scam


└ But looking at the above comment, his wealth is huge, so why does he keep raising the appearance fee and even posting sniper articles causing frustration for the production team?


└└ A classic case of greed.


└└└ But wasn't it sa

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