Hey guys!! Apologies for the delayed updates! Had some abrupt travel plans but I'm back!!




Ji Mingxia never expected for the matter to go around in a circle and eventually involve Yu Ning.


He originally thought that Banana Leaf Village was outside of the plot, and the Zhou Tao incident was just an accident.
But now that it might be related to Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia was suddenly a little uncertain.


Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia asked more questions but unfortunately, Zhou Tao knew very little about the mystery man, and had no other clues except for tracking him to the orphanage.


Ji Mingxia looked at Zhou Tao and he felt his head pounding at the thought of the hidden unknown conspiracy that might be related to Yu Ning.


A few moments later, there was a knock on the courtyard gate.


Having experienced the ghost knocking on the door, Ji Mingxia now had a psychological shadow when it came to knocks on the door.
He only breathed a sigh of relief when he looked through the monitoring screen and saw the person wearing police clothes outside the gate.


The energy of the ring had retracted at some point, leaving only Zhou Tao lying quietly on the ground.


After losing the copper coin, Xhou Tao remained slumped on the floor even without the ring's restraint


Let alone escaping, he didn’t even have the strength to stand up.


Ji Mingxia opened the gate, verified the identity of the police, and led them into the hall.


Seeing Zhou Tao on the ground, and still awake, the police then looked at the scene, and made a variety of registration.


Ji Mingxia stood aside as he waited for the police to deal with everything.
However, he found himself getting dizzy.


He didn't know when it started, and he was inexplicably a little dizzy.


Ji Mingxia had been in a high state of concertation and vigilance from the moment he decided to deal with Zhou Tao.


It was only when the police came to check the scene and he confirmed his grandmother’s safety that Ji Mingxia relaxed.


A strange drowsiness hit, Ji Mingxia’s legs became weak and he soon lost consciousness ……




A strange light floated in the darkness.


Ji Mingxia followed this light and slowly weaved through the darkness.


He seemed to be in a mysterious space.
The sound of wind, water, and countless thunder and lightning came to his ears and passed through his eyes.
It was as if the world was in his mind.


Ji Mingxia moved forward step by step, each step under his feet was like ten thousand rivers and a thousand mountains.


The light was like a beacon, leading Ji Mingxia to dive deeper and farther into the world.


At this moment, Ji Mingxia suddenly saw the ring on his hand.


A familiar face flashed through his mind.
His feet unconsciously paused and his yearning and obsession for the abyss instantly dissipated.


“What am I doing?” Ji Mingxia looked at the chaotic surroundings.
A fear sprouted in his heart and he was instantly awake.


—The blinding light shone into his eyes and Ji Mingxia could not help but raise his hand to block his eyes.
It was only after several seconds that he slowly put down his hand, and sat up from the sofa.


It turned out that he had fallen asleep and was just dreaming.


The world in the dream was dark, but it was noon at the moment.
The sunlight was shining on the balcony, and because the curtains were not drawn shut, a ray of sunlight shone in and landed right on his eyes.


Ji Mingxia woke up from his dream and was stung by the sunlight the moment he opened his eyes.
It was not until he was completely awake that he adjusted to the light and saw his surroundings.


He was sleeping on the sofa and was wearing yesterday's clothes.


Ji Mingxia was stunned and the scenes from last night were replayed in his mind.


From when he returned home and met Zhou Tao, to when he fought Zhou Tao and was protected by the ring.


The copper coin flew out and inexplicably disappeared, then he waited for the police after he got some information from Zhou Tao ……


Ji Mingxia had no memory after that


Did the police come and he fell asleep in front of the police?


Ji Mingxia was shocked.
He got up from the sofa and was about to walk out to take a look when the sound of footsteps came from the kitchen.
Grandma Ji walked out of the kitchen with a thermos.


When she saw that Ji Mingxia had woken up, Grandma Ji froze for a moment, and the expression on her face instantly relaxed: “You're awake.”


Ji Mingxia looked at Grandma Ji and was very puzzled.
He even rubbed his eyes in confusion.


At first glance, Grandma Ji still kept her previous appearance, with white hair and an old face, but on closer inspection, there seemed to be a subtle difference.


Ji Mingxia noticed the difference, but could not tell exactly where the change had occurred.


“What's wrong, your eyes don't feel well?” Grandma Ji asked.


“No no.” Ji Mingxia shook his head.


He didn’t feel much when he woke up, but after rubbing his eyes, Ji Mingxia realized that there were a lot of sleep crusts stuck to the corners of his eyes.


Since entering the forest, Ji Mingxia has not had much rest.
He thought he could recuperate when he returned home, but unexpectedly, he encountered a ghost knocking on the door that night, and did not sleep all night.


His ear canal was inflamed when he was in Quanzhuang hotel.
Later, Pei Yuan gave him some eye drops which slightly relieved the pain but he was still a little uncomfortable.


After staying up late the night before, not only was his ear canal on the verge of attack, his eyes were also on the verge of inflammation.


Unexpectedly, he woke up feeling a lot more comfortable.


After wiping off the sleep crusts with a tissue, Ji Mingxia felt that his eyes were refreshed and the ear canal inflammation that had been tormenting him for a long time had completely recovered.


The whole person was as if he had been washed from the inside out and after wiping off the sludge, he felt refreshingly comfortable.


But this is not important at the moment.
Grandma Ji was still standing in the same place looking at him.


Ji Mingxia gurried forward and took the thermos from Grandma Ji’s hand and then said with some embarrassment: “I ……last night ……”


Grandma Ji looked him up and down to make sure that he didn’t have any problems.
His physique looked even better than before, and she felt relieved.


Grandma Ji knew what Ji Mingxia wanted to ask from the look on his face.
She said: “The police came and you fainted.
We originally wanted to send you to the hospital, but it turned out that you just fell asleep.
It was the police comrades that helped put you on the sofa.”


Ji Mingxia looked at Grandma Ji in shock, and suddenly did not know what expression to make.


He actually fell asleep in front of the police?!


Zhou Tao broke into the house and tried to suck his longevity and kill him.
He and Zhou Tao dueled with mysterious items, and finally, Zhou Tao was captured.


These things were too metaphysical for ordinary people so Ji Mingxia thought of a good speech after calling the police.
He intended to make a statement and try to conceal the mysterious events.


Unexpectedly, he fell asleep before the statement was made?


Under normal circumstances, it was absolutely impossible to fall asleep at such a time.


His thought of the blood red ring, and the inexplicable disappearance of the copper coin.
He knew that his abnormal behavior must be related to the mysterious items.


“I was home since Zhou Tao broke in so I made the statement.
The surveillance at the gate also showed that he broke in so I gave it to the police and Zhou Tao was also taken away.” Grandma Ji said, and briefly gave an account to the follow up of last night’s events.


Regardless of those supernatural events, the surveillance showed that Zhou Tao broke into a private home knowing well that there was only an old woman at home.
That constituted a crime.


The evidence and witness were there, so although Ji Mingxia fell asleep, Zhou Tao had lost mobility and the police work was simple.
They reassured Grandma Ji and simply took Zhou Tao away.


Ji Mingxia’s prepared speech was useless, and Grandma Ji brought things to a beautiful ending at the last moment.


After listening, Ji Mingxia immediately gave a thumbs up to Grandma Ji: “Grandma is really a treasure, too powerful!”


The sunlight outside the window fell on Grandma Ji's face and delicately presented her features.
It was then that Ji Mingxia confirmed why he was confused.


After a night's rest, Grandma Ji's physique had recovered a lot.
The wrinkles on her face seemed to have reduced and although she looked no different from the past, a closer look revealed that Grandma Ji looked much younger than the previous days, and was also much more spirited.


However the spirited Grandma Ji didn’t have a smile on her face even with Ji Mingxia's praise.


“Don't you have something you want to say to grandma?” Grandma Ji stared at Ji Mingxia solemnly.

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