Life Once Again in the Land of Death



We finished our first breakfast since returning to the Land of Death.
It seemed to be Fukuchan and Uri’s first time eating a meal, and they were incredibly excited, fluttering and making cute noises.


While floating spirits evolve quickly, it still takes longer compared to ordinary animals.
Being able to enjoy their small and adorable forms for a longer time is incredibly lucky, isn’t it?


First, this base.
I call it the Spring House, and I’ll show you around.”


“Yes, Master.
Please guide us.”


“Sara, you don’t have to be so formal.
Master is fine, and there’s no need to force yourself to use honorific language.”


“Um, well.
I feel more at ease this way.
Is that not okay?”


I wonder how it is for a child to feel more at ease with honorific language?


“If Sara prefers it that way, then it’s fine.
I just don’t want you to push yourself.”


Sara nodded as if relieved.
Well, if Sara is okay with it, then it’s fine.
Marco and Kika seem fine with it too, so let’s get going.


When we went outside, Silphy and the others were already gathered.
Come to think of it, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet.
Let’s do that now.


“Sara, Marco, Kika, you can see the spirits here, right? Other than Silphy, I haven’t made contracts with any of them, but these are Dyne, the Great Water Spirit, Nomas, the Great Earth Spirit, and Dolly, the Great Forest Spirit.
They are all here, lending their power to this place.
You might need their help someday, so remember their presence.”


“Yes, my name is Sara.
Great Spirits, nice to meet you.” “This is Marco.
Nice to meet you too.
And this is my sister, Kika.”


“…Nice to meet you.”


Everyone managed to greet them properly, which is impressive.
It might be due to Sara’s influence.
Silphy and the others watched the children with smiles.
While it seems that Silphy and the others don’t particularly like people, they find children endearing.


Since they seem to have forgotten, I advised them to introduce the spirits they have contracts with as well.
They hurriedly introduced Fukuchan and Uri.
They probably don’t have a strong sense of having made a contract with the spirits yet.


After bidding farewell to the Great Spirits other than Silphy, we began the tour.
…Well, there isn’t much to show them around, to be honest.
The pool, the spring, the field.
I just guided them to the planned location for the forest, so it ended quickly.


Finally, as promised yesterday, I showed them the whole area from above.
Although it’s not developing as a human settlement, Sara and the others were amazed by the clearly different atmosphere from the surrounding Land of Death.
It seems they were delighted that their efforts were recognized.


“Well, it’s something like this.
There are still many things missing, but while you’re here, the focus will be on exploration and training for Sara and the others.
Well, for the time being, we’ll be going back and forth between here and the Labyrinth City.
Any questions?”


“Um, Master.
Did you develop all of this by yourself? The Land of Death doesn’t even have water or plants.
It’s supposed to be a completely barren land.”


During the various explanations, Sara seemed incredibly surprised.
Perhaps she had some knowledge about the Land of Death.
She can speak honorific language and has an educated aura.
Sara might have come from a good background.


“I didn’t do it alone.
I developed it with the help of the spirits.
Adventurer Guild doesn’t appreciate it, but being a Spirit Mage can be amazing if you can do it properly.
Are you motivated?”


Upon hearing my words, Bell and the others chuckled.
Only I can see them, though.


“Master, spirits are amazing indeed.
Can I also create a field?”


Marco became interested in the field.
I thought he was only interested in fighting, but it seems I was wrong.


“Well, as you are right now, it might be difficult since you’re still inexperienced as a Spirit Mage.
Do you want to work on the field?”


I had the tools for development, but Marco didn’t, and with only the Earth Spirit, it would be challenging to create a field.


“I want to become stronger, but I also want to be able to do more things.
If I can create a field, I think I can somehow make a living.”


Marco is eagerly seeking knowledge… No, he’s greedy for knowledge that will help him survive.
He must have grown up in a harsh environment.


“For a field, I think if you polish your spirit magic skills and make contracts with the Water Spirit and the Forest Spirit, you’ll be fine.
Gain strength and consider various possibilities.”


I feel like I said something teacher-like for once.
I think while watching Marco seriously contemplate it.
When I was around Marco’s age, I only thought about playing.
I would avoid my homework and become engrossed in enjoyable things, only to be scolded by my teacher later.
Thinking like that, Japan is quite fortunate.


“I’m going to check on insects now, so Sara and the others, communicate with your own spirits.
Bell and Rain, please keep Sara and the others cool.
And Kika, let’s practice getting along with the spirits.
You can ask Bell and Rain for help with various things.”


Kika was startled by suddenly being addressed but nodded slightly.
I want to reach a point where I don’t startle her when I talk to her.


“Bell, Rain.
I’m counting on you.”


“Leave it to us!” “Kyu.”


Bell and Rain pat their chests with their small right hands and fins respectively.
Their reactions are increasing more and more.
I wonder where they’re learning all this from?


“Turu and Tamamo, please help me sort the bugs.
I don’t really understand, so I want you to remove any bugs that are poisonous or that damage the crops as much as possible.”


“It’s okay.” “Kuu.”


Turu nodded confidently while holding Tamamo in his arms.
His right hand was petting Tamamo.
Maybe it’s because they’re spirits of the earth and forest, their compatibility is good? Tamamo also seems to be enjoying being petted by Turu.
Watching them, I also feel like petting them.


Let’s do our best.
Oh, Silphy.
Can you use the cooling magic you used at the volcano?”


“Yes, of course.”


She smiled and conjured a cool breeze.
If I didn’t know this environment, I could have endured it, but once you experience a cool world, you can’t endure the heat anymore.


It’s like when you learn about air conditioning, you can’t stand not having one.
The concrete jungle in the middle of summer.
The fear when the air conditioner that should be working stops running.


The sadness when you give up on repairs and buy a new air conditioner, but you hear that the installation won’t be done right away because of a packed schedule.
When we lose the modern convenience, we become fragile.


Even when I come home from work, the hot and humid room takes a toll on me.
It was awkward to ask a friend to let me stay at their place on weekdays, so I relied on manga cafes.


“Master, what’s wrong?”


As I reminisced about the nostalgic yet painful memories, Sara called out to me.
It seems I had been lost in thought.


“It’s nothing.
Let’s focus on what we just talked about.”


I called out to Sara and prepared for the task.
Alright! I psych myself up so as not to be discouraged by the troublesome work and open a bag full of bugs… It’s quite overwhelming.


Following Turu and Tamamo’s instructions, I finished the sorting of the bugs with sheer determination.
It was mentally draining to see the bugs all mixed up together, and it was unexpectedly tough.


“Turu, Tamamo, should I release them in the field and the planned forest area?”


Turu and Tamamo shook their heads.
It was cute how they were synchronized.


“The soil here is not good yet.
Put the forest soil there and release them.”


…I see.
It’s definitely more comfortable for the bugs to be in the soil of the forest where they used to live, rather than being released into the soil mixed with crushed small fish and seaweed. 


“Then let’s put the soil in the area where we were excavating for expansion.
It’s next to the planned forest area, right?”


Turu and Tamamo nodded, so we moved to the block next to the forest area and poured the soil directly from the magical bag.
It was much easier since we didn’t have to mix in fertilizer.


After evenly spreading the forest soil, we buried the bugs in a way that they wouldn’t gather in one place.
Turu used magic to dig grooves in the soil, and we scattered the bugs as if sowing seeds.
I apologize for being rough.


After scattering the bugs, Turu covered them up with magic.
It was a simple task, but due to the quantity, it took quite some time.
The environment has changed quite a bit, so I wonder how many of them will survive? I can only rely on the resilience of the bugs’ life force.


It took longer than planned.
Sarah and the others must be hungry.
Should we have lunch right away?


“Turu, Tamamo, good job.
Let’s have lunch.”


“Yeah.” “Kuu.”


I picked up Tamamo, who happily jumped into my arms, and stroked Turu’s head as we moved towards Sarah and the others.
They seem to be having a fun conversation with Fukuchan and Uri.
They’re communicating, and Kikka is playing tag with Bell and Rain.
Oh, Kika noticed me and ran towards Marco.
It seems like it will take some time for them to become closer.


“Everyone, let’s go home for lunch.”


I promised to make sure Sara and the others eat properly.
Trust is something that is built gradually.
First, let’s fulfill the promise properly.


After the lively lunch with the children and spirits, I think about what to do next.
I need to expand the house soon, or I’ll end up sleeping in the kitchen.
Also, since I’ll be leveling up the children at night, I need to let them take a nap.


It’s not good to put them to sleep right after eating… I got it.
I’ll ask Bell and Turu to teach Fukuchan and Uri the magic I often use.
I’ll let Sara and the others observe what kind of magic there is, and then they can take a nap.


When I inform them of the plan, Bell is overjoyed.
It seems that the idea of teaching magic to juniors struck a chord with her.


“Fukuchan, Bell will teach you lots of things!”


“Hoo hoo.”


Fukuchan flutters his small wings.
It seems like he’s happy.
When I look at Turu, he’s already holding Uri and petting her.
Well, I guess there’s no problem with that?


“Sara, Marco, Kika, make sure to watch the magic and remember what kind of magic it is.
Take a nap later to prepare for the night.”


“Yes.” “Got it.” “Okay.”


They responded obediently, but Marco’s eyes are sparkling with excitement about watching magic.
Well, I understand how he feels, but I wonder if he’ll be able to sleep? Maybe I should come and check on them as much as possible.


I also need to quickly build a residence and start working on the fountain; otherwise, Dyne will get sulky.
Now that I think about it, the conditions for a contract with Dolly are already in place.
If I complete the fountain, I can contract both Dolly and Nomos at once… The cheat code is accelerating.


“Oh, Nomos, Dolly.
Keep an eye on the place where we put the bugs today.
If anything happens, I’ll ask for your advice.”


We’ll make sure to check.”


“Hehe, I’m looking forward to it.
I’ll keep a close eye on it as well.”


Nomos responded solemnly, while Dolly gracefully accepted the request.
It’s quite odd that these two are both great spirits.


“Yes, please.
Alright, Silphy.
I want to go and quarry a large rock for the residence.
Can you transport it for me?”


“Yes, of course.
Will Yuta be piloting it?”


…Yes, that’s right.
It’ll be more fun to fly through the sky myself, and if it’s nearby, the time won’t be much different.
I nodded and asked her to create a cocoon of wind.
Let’s enjoy the sky a little bit.

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