Robot Invasion

The Journey

At a place in India.

”Today I will introduce my newest and latest invention! Let me welcome the future. Let me show our worlds robots. And yes they are more than a billion with us. They are your safety guards. They can entertain you, they can fight with enemies and much more. And yes most people say that robots easily get hacked. But no these robots will not be hacked. Because they are remotely operated! ” Mr Jake Hawker said.

I woke up hurriedly. Today is my movie selection day. So let me tell you about me. I am Frank Allen. I live in India. And I am a short film-maker. Basically in my life, I have uploaded more than 100 short films and 134 to be precise. And I have a total of 1,122,811 followers on the short film app. And some days back I participated in the Best Short Film event. And I uploaded my best short film on the site. And today they are going to announce the winners and today I am going to go to film-making college. They said that the winners will be announced at exact 1 PM. Its 12:59 right now, I was staring at my phone. Then beep notification and that was from the Best Short Film event. I began to read it aloud, ” Dear student, we are glad to tell you that you couldn win the Best Short Film event. But you still gained 5th place in the event.

I couldn believe my eyes. I know I should cry or be sad because I didn come 1st but I am also happy that I came 5th in the event. Okay, now I packed up my things to go to college. My dad drove me to the college. I went inside and my friends Rick and Jay were waiting for me. They also are film-makers like me.

We went into the class. After 15-20 minutes of the class, we all heard some kind of blast sounds. As Rick had his own robot, he sprinted towards the room where we kept our safety robot. Only to our surprise, Ricks robot was not there. There were no robots in that room. I peeked out of the window I see a robot forcing someone to sit in a cabin-like room with transparent walls. Someone in the hallway shouted its the robot invasion.

Jay said, ” Robots? Seriously?

I said, ” these are the same robots that were created by Jake Hawker. And he said that they can be hacked ”

It was an intense situation. Its more difficult than a zombie apocalypse because these robots are intelligent so we can outsmart them but yeah we can run and escape.

Rick asked, ” So what do we do now? We should probably go to the robots HQ because thats where the anti-virus chip will be found. And I think its some kind of digital virus ”

I shouted, ” So what are we waiting for? Lets go

We get out of the college and slowly approached Ricks car. Rick takes out his keys. And unlocks it. But it won unlock. So he tries it furiously and then the keys drop and make a disturbing noise. And the robots started to walk towards us. We were hiding behind the car. I and Jay ran out of the situation. But Rick was left behind. Rick turned his neck towards us and of course, he was scared because we were not with him.

We kept running until I realised that Rick was nowhere to be found. We ran back to the car scene. We saw Rick alone behind the car. I whispered his name. He turned towards me. With my hands, I told him to run. But he literally declined because he was too scared. I picked up a tin and threw it on the opposite side of Rick. But only 1 robot went to check what was there. And some robots were near the car. Rick was shivering. Now I had no choice so I ran towards the opposite side of Rick and Jay followed me. Now all the robots were chasing us and Rick was alone but safe. We hid somewhere in the dark but we still could see that Rick was not standing up and running so we ran towards him and made him stand. It looked like he was still in shock.

He won stand up. Just then robots saw us. I had no choice but to run away from there leaving Rick behind. We saw robots taking Rick into a capsule-type room, which has a mini Television. I ran towards the capsule but it flew in the air. I saw the capsule flying toward a diamond-like shape made from the capsules. And yeah robots saw me so I had to run away furiously and I shouted at Jay to run too. We both ran into a building. We felt safe there but how could we hide from the worlds most advanced AI robots? There were 2 robots in front of our window trying to break the window so they can come in and take us towards the capsule.

We ran out of the building. I saw Ricks car there and its keys. I ran towards the car keys, picked them and told Jay to sit in the co-driver seat. And the most important thing is that I don have a driving license. But who cares?? Government? Probably most of the government officials would be taken by the robots. But at least I know what is an accelerator and a brake. So I drove the car very fast. There was a robot standing some meters away from our car, so I had no choice but to drive on him. The robot flew away from us giving a spark out of its structure.

We reached the highway. We were shocked to see that there were no robots on the highway. I took my phone out and checked the news. The news was that ” There was a robot outbreak so be safe and take care ”. This isn exactly news but ok. We headed straight for the HQ of the robots

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