[The Level Idiot Gets Revived]

After one thing after another, half a year has passed in the ‘Netherworld’.

Finally, my level has reached the upper limit of 80, so there is no more reason to stay in the ‘Netherworld’, where ‘Star Seed’ couldn’t be obtained.

It is an additional downloadable content though, right~, they should have put around 10, 20, 100, or 200 ‘Star Seeds’ here as a thank you to those who bought it, right~.

Even if I say such silly things, the reality doesn’t change, so I decide to return to the real world quietly.

“Dammit, even though the ‘Netherworld’ is the best leveling stage where I can continue hunting all day long as long as I still have mental strength…!”

“Weren’t the reason why other people making a demonstration because you hunted the monsters in the ‘Tower’ alone until they ran out?”

“I have already replenished the monsters, haven’t I?”

“Due to that, you have been banned from entering the ‘Tower’ to this day; you are totally reaping what you sow, aren’t you?”

In regard to the occurrence of the overflowing stampede that occurred just because I fiddle with the central system a little, I have been reflecting a bit.

I just wanted to level up o’ great god Anubis……!

Higaki cut short that excuse of mine and threw me away, then Iris beat me up fair argument till I was unable to stand, and now even Anubis began to be somewhat sloppy in treating me.

Even today, when we were giving our last farewell, although he gave words of encouragement to Higaki and Iris, he only ended it with brief words, “Keep it moderate, farewell,” when it came to me, mon.

“To let you off just like that after you caused such an uproar is already greatly gentle of him, I think…”

Iris says so while being amazed.

No, you see, I understand that too, you know.
I know that this is just me reaping what I sow, you know?

But, y’know, there should be like, something more, right?

“There is none.
Now, let us go.”

“You say so resolutely again today, hm.
Did you get anything good or something?”

“There should be no better news than being revived though.”

“When you put it like that, that sure is true.”

While regaining my extremely typical sense, I head to the top floor of the ‘Tower’ following Iris’s lead along with Higaki.

You can revive to the real world by riding the ‘God of Death’s Ferry’ that exists on the top floor of the ‘Tower’.

To board the ferry, you need to get a pass from god Anubis; this item is a proof of clearing the scenario.

The ferry is an extremely ordinary wooden ship.

However, its size is as big as a sailing ship; I think you can somehow grasp of what I’m saying if I say that it is as big as the ships that appears in pirate movies.

“Since it is called a ferry, I thought it would be a small boat or the sorts, but… isn’t this quite splendid? If it is this, we surely won’t have to be worried about the luggage.”

“The equipment I got for the battle with the shitty bastard, plus the ‘Seeds’ that I had god Anubis collected.
The others are alchemic materials and alchemy accessories.
They added up to be quite a large luggage, so I was worried, but it seems it’s going to be fine.”

“Well, the one who was the most concerning was Iris-san, however…”

Following Higaki’s words, we both look at Iris who is boarding the ship first.

Behind her is a cart filled with daily necessities and furniture; the quantity is completely no longer just of someone who moves.

Iris, who is pulling a cart that is filled to the point of exceeding my height while humming, seems to have a strength that doesn’t match her slender arm.

“You two~, what’s up~? We are departing soon, you know~?”

Iris who is waving happily from the deck will accompany us and move to the real world.

Although her mental health has recovered a lot in the last six months, she couldn’t completely break out of the trauma etched deep in her heart, and although the frequency has decreased, she couldn’t stop coming in contact with me or Higaki in search of ‘heat’.

So, as a result of various discussions with Anubis, it was decided that she was to have a change in environment from the ‘Netherworld’ – where exists the ‘Tower’ that surely reminds her of the incident – to the real world and have her try to live there.

The ones who were entrusted with her there were me and Higaki.

We objected against the selection many times, saying, “Please stop and reconsider it,” but it was overruled by Iris’s final say, “I will go if it’s with the two of them”.

“To be suddenly entrusted with an older girl, what should we do?”

“There’s no point in crying over spilt milk, right? It seems that house and work will be manageable, so if she were to socialize with normal people after that… ah.”

“What’s up?”

That’s not what I meant!”

“Why do you apologize!? Even I can at least look after Iris!!!”

Oi you, don’t give me sorry eyes and go board the ship! Oi! Wait!!

It seems that she thinks I’m a good-for-nothing who can’t even socialize, but after being pointed that out by Iris, I’ve been polishing myself well y’know!!

Now, I have enough interposal skill to at least laugh and end the conversation when a stranger talk to me, y’know!! What’s with that face!? Got a problem with me, eey!?

I chase after Higaki and board the ship while objecting her.

“Depart!” The ship that starts to move with the shout from Iris floats in the air and takes off to the real world.

Eventually, the ship is wrapped in light, dying my vision white.

I, who until that point was trying to drag out Higaki who was holing herself in the captain’s room, tries to adjust my perception, but it ends in failure.

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