The atmosphere suddenly became tense.
Jin Dongxun was a bit crazy, but after all, he was the hired coach.
Everyone endured it because of their identity.
They hoped to gain the coach ’s support after getting to know each other.
This was also the style of Tianjing people.
But to remove Li Hao from the position of captain???

Huo Ying suddenly touched his bald head, his eyes shining with fierceness.
”Bullshit! Where did you come from? Talking nonsense here.
Do you believe I ’ll punch you to death? ”

”Outrageous! What did you say? ” Jin Dongxun raised his voice even louder.
A group of little punks, he didn ’t believe they would dare to make a move.

But before he finished speaking, a fist the size of a sandbag came crashing down.
Wu Zang said he was a small cannon, but his temper was actually very good.
He respected his teachers and valued principles.
The Wu family ’s upbringing was not a joke.
But Huo Ying didn ’t have such a good temper.
His hands were faster than his brain.

No one stopped them, and they even made room for them.
Jin Dongxun still had some skills, but what he didn ’t understand was that sometimes resistance would only stimulate more.
Huo Ying, who was above him, was like a bulldozer, pushing Jin Dongxun out all the way.
When they reached the door, he delivered another powerful spinning kick with a heavy leg.
Jin Dongxun ’s eyes turned green, his arms stiffened, and he flew out with a cry.
When he landed, he started shouting, ”Someone is hitting someone! A student is hitting a teacher! ”

Huo Ying ’s anger grew even stronger when he heard this.
He picked up a nearby fire extinguisher and was about to rush out.
Jin Dongxun was really scared.
Was this big black egg brainless? He immediately crawled and ran away!

Rebellion, rebellion, rebellion.
Long Danni must expel these troublemakers!

The command room fell silent.
Huo Ying, who had vented his anger, was dumbfounded.
He had driven away the coach that the principal had worked so hard to invite??

”Did I make a mistake? ” Huo Ying, who had come to his senses, felt a bit regretful.
If he didn ’t expel the coach, he would have to expel the team.

Everyone stared at each other, and suddenly Tan Ziyuan couldn ’t help but laugh, followed by the entire command room bursting into laughter.

Ma Long hugged Huo Ying.
”Brother, well done! ”

Huo Ying was still in high spirits.
He laughed and scratched the back of his head.
”It ’s over.
I ’m done for now. ”

Li Hao waved his hand.
”It ’s okay.
Even if you didn ’t hit him, I would have. ”

”Don ’t worry, if there ’s trouble, we ’ll face it together! ” Zhou Naiyi nodded.

Everyone felt relieved, but after a while, they looked at each other with unease.
This was really not a small matter.
From minor disciplinary action to expulsion, Huo Ying, who had just regretted it a bit, suddenly became open-minded.
Even if he had to do it again, he would still hit him.
There was no room for regret.
In the principal ’s office.

Jin Dongxun, with a swollen nose and black eyes, was condemning Li Hao and the others for their atrocities.
It was simply unimaginable.

Long Danni listened attentively.

”Principal Long, you have to give me an explanation and uphold justice for me! ”

Long Danni nodded.
”This matter must be dealt with seriously. ” She opened the Sky Message and said, ”Summon Li Hao and the others to my office immediately. ”

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Jin Dongxun ’s eyes.
The coach personally invited by the principal was beaten on the first day.
This was not his business.
It was a great shame for Tianjing Machine Martial Arts.
Tianjing Machine Martial Arts had no rules!

Ten minutes later, Li Hao and the others arrived at the principal ’s office, even Tan Ziyuan came along.

Everyone stood in a row without saying a word.
Maybe it was because Long Danni was present.
Jin Dongxun suppressed the urge to explode.
”Principal Long, in Tianjing Machine Martial Arts, how should we handle the unprovoked assault on the coach? ”

Long Danni looked at Li Hao calmly.
”Do you have anything to say? ”

Li Hao stepped forward.
”Report, Principal.
It ’s all because of my absence from training that led to the misunderstanding. ”

”Misunderstanding? Are you saying that this is a misunderstanding? This is a blatant attempted murder! ” Jin Dongxun suddenly stood up, his face full of sorrow.

Everyone was speechless.
This guy ’s acting skills were Oscar-worthy.
He seemed like a completely different person.

Huo Ying suddenly stepped forward.
”Principal, regardless of what others did, I was the one who hit him.
I just couldn ’t stand his insults.
If you want to expel someone, expel me! ”

”Principal Long, I admit that I am a strict person.
I am also doing it for the team.
Without rules, there can be no order.
How did it become an insult? I know you have achieved results, but can ’t the teacher point out your shortcomings? ” Jin Dongxun ’s eyes were red, and he almost burst into tears.

Everyone was really angry.
Couldn ’t they distinguish between insults and teaching?

But this subjective matter couldn ’t be resolved through argument alone.
From the moment he hit the coach, it was true that no matter what, it was considered excessive in the eyes of those who didn ’t know the situation.
If it were to spread, it would definitely have a huge impact on the image of Tianjing Machine Martial Arts, especially during the period when the principal had just been changed.

Long Danni stood up straight, her expression becoming serious.
”Colonel Jin Dongxun, attention! ”

Jin Dongxun was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up straight, knowing that Long Danni was about to take severe action.

”Take two steps forward! ” Long Danni said.

Jin Dongxun took two steps forward without hesitation.
”General Long, actually, I… ”


Long Danni didn ’t let him finish his words.
She slapped Jin Dongxun hard, causing him to stagger.
The whole room was stunned, and even Li Hao was startled.
A bright red handprint appeared on Jin Dongxun ’s face.

”Colonel Jin Dongxun, I brought you to Tianjing Machine Martial Arts not to insult Tianjing, let alone insult my team members! ” Long Danni ’s expression was extremely cold, even with a hint of killing intent.

Jin Dongxun was dumbfounded, his fingers trembling with anger.
”Long Danni, do you know what you ’re doing? ”

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Long Danni ’s mouth.
She opened the Sky Message, and Jin Dongxun ’s voice came from inside: The Wu family is no longer capable.
It ’s too outdated.
You can ’t just rely on your boss.
Your ranking in the Super Nova is not that good either.

Ma Long…
look at your sissy appearance…
If you can ’t do it, then get lost…

Li Ge, suspend your captain position.Long Danni turned off the Sky Message, coldly looking at Kim Dong-hoon, ”Now, roll back to where you came from.
And, if I hear any rumors I shouldn ’t, don ’t even think about coming back to Earth! ”

Kim Dong-hoon ’s heart sank instantly.

A former assistant coach from a military academy, who had painstakingly infiltrated the Alliance ’s combat department as a clerk, could hardly compare with Long Danni, one of the representatives of the young and strong faction.
If things really went south, it wouldn ’t be hard for Long Danni to ruin him, and the backlash wouldn ’t be too severe, especially since she held all the cards.

Kim Dong-hoon lowered his head without a word, slinking out through the door gap and running wildly.

In the principal ’s office, Li Hao and the others widened their eyes.
What was this?

Why did this happen? It was a bit unexpected.

”Li Hao, you ’re too good-tempered.
If it were me, I would have thrown him out long ago. ” Long Danni laughed, ”You should thank Tan Ziyuan.
She was the one who sent the video. ”

”It ’s my duty, it ’s nothing.
The key is that the principal is the coolest! ” Tan Ziyuan gave a thumbs up, her face also wearing a happy smile.

”Long live the principal, so cool! Have you practiced Iron Sand Palm? One hit breaks the defense, so fierce! ” Huo Ying was truly excited.
He had actually planned to pack up and leave.
If it weren ’t for Long Danni ’s overwhelming aura, he would have wanted to rush up and hug her.

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”Huo Ying, well done, more imposing than your captain. ” Long Danni gave Li Hao a glance, ”Someone doesn ’t have much faith in me. ”

Li Hao scratched his head a bit embarrassedly.
He didn ’t want to be too impulsive, after all, he had suffered before.

”The captain doesn ’t want to cause trouble.
After all, we also want to get better. ” Zhou Naiyi quickly stepped forward to speak.

”No matter what level this guy has, if his character is problematic, he can ’t be used.
He ’s obsequious to superiors and oppressive to subordinates, arrogant and domineering.
I ’ll deal with him later.
Wu Zang, Ma Long, Zhou Naiyi, Zuo Xiaotang, Huo Ying, you are all good.
I believe in you, all the teachers and students of Tianjing Mech believe in you and support you.
Go ahead and do what you should do.
I ’ll be there if the sky falls. ” Long Danni patted her chest.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn ’t help cheering.

”Li Hao, I hold grudges, you need to show some appreciation. ” Long Danni hadn ’t forgotten about this.

”Cough, well, Principal, I understand.
I didn ’t react in time.
To apologize, I ’ll treat everyone to pizza.
Wait a moment, I ’ll go get it. ”

”Wow, did I hear wrong? Hao, you ’re treating? ”

”Oh my god, the sun is rising from the west. ”

”God, I thought it would never happen in my lifetime. ”

”Good, I ’m hungry too. ” Long Danni accepted wholeheartedly, ”The captain treating is so rare, I can ’t miss it. ”

Li Hao left in a puff of smoke.
He had already refunded the bill when he came, and the pizza was prepared to be given to everyone.

Watching Li Hao ’s figure, everyone burst into laughter again, especially Ma Long, Zuo Xiaotang, and Huo Ying.
They all knew that Wu Zang and Zhou Naiyi wouldn ’t move, and even Li Hao was just a show of force, but they were different.
Fortunately, the principal firmly stood on their side.

”Actually, I ’ve wanted to talk to you all for a long time.
I have some questions. ” Long Danni signaled everyone to sit casually, tidied up the files on the table, and turned off the computer.

”Can you continue with this kind of overdraft training? As far as I know, after several consecutive times, the mind and body will not be able to hold up.
The military tried it a long time ago, it ’s very dangerous. ” Long Danni asked, she was not easy to fool.
This point Kim Dong-hoon did not get wrong, but looking at everyone ’s situation, where was there any lack of energy?

Everyone looked at each other, ”No, I ’m full of energy every day, and my striking power has increased a lot. ” Huo Ying was completely baffled, he didn ’t know that this was a problem.

”Naiyi, what about you? ” Long Danni asked, Zhou Naiyi shouldn ’t be ignorant.

”Actually, I was worried at first, but there doesn ’t seem to be any problem with training every day, so I didn ’t pay much attention to it later. ” Zhou Naiyi also found it a bit strange.
If Wu Zang ’s body was good enough, then how could they be?

”Wu Zang, do you know something? ” Long Danni suddenly asked.

Everyone was a bit strange.
Zhou Naiyi was silent for a while, ”I don ’t know if I should say it.
Have you noticed that at the beginning, Li Hao was there every day, and later it was once every two days.
When we were overdrafting, he would help us out one by one.
Although we were tired, we didn ’t feel exhausted, and even had a bit of an urge to continue? ”

”Eh, you ’re right, there really is! ” Huo Ying slammed his fist.

”Now that you mention it, it seems to be true. ”

”Yes, once, I felt a warm current from his hand, I thought it was an illusion. ”

By this point, Long Danni had a clue.
Her knowledge was obviously not something the students could compare with.
This was not something a so-called expert could do.

”Wu Zang, did you know from the beginning? ” Zhou Naiyi asked.

”Yes, captain, the Wu family also has something similar.
Hao didn ’t want me to say it.
Improvement needs to come gradually.
This is just to protect everyone from getting hurt.
Being too deliberate is not good.
How much you can improve still depends on your own efforts. ”

Long Danni nodded, ”The kind of protection in the ancient martial world, it ’s the protection of the elders for the direct descendants.
How much trust does this require? I ’m relieved then.
I ’ll pay for today ’s pizza, no one is allowed to be polite with me. ”

Li Hao ’s footsteps came from outside the door.
The door opened, ”What ’s with everyone ’s looks? Cough, even though you ’re all looking at me so enthusiastically, this treat is just a coincidence.
Hey, don ’t grab, leave me one…
two pieces. ”

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