Journal of a lost astronaut

The astronauts journal

Wolf 359 is 7.86 light years from earth

Day 1

Today we saw the planet! We have been asleep for a while in cryo-sleep, and I needed to go to the bathroom badly after we were woken up by the ai. So, I am excited and all, the stars name is Wolf 359 and just to clear some confusion. As we approach one of the planets. Gah my memory is so blurry I cannot remember what the name is I can later… hopefully. It has been a few hours and the power are not working. We need to fix the solar panels but the fact that this star is dim so it may not be the solar panels. I hope at least that it is not them.

Day 2

I woke up from my cabin after hearing the alarm. This means we
e close. The crew and I went to the cockpit and to our stations to ensure a good landing. Which mostly happened although it was a little rough on entry but for the most part the landing was fine. Apparently, this planet has 3 moons! Potentially more although from what we have seen it is 3 maybe more. It is so cool during the day we can see so many stars! As soon as we landed, we started the procedure of building the habitat, which let me tell you is it is a huge pain to build especially with such low gravity you jump to grab something and next thing you know you are flying! The place we landed was not too great, rocks were everywhere, and it was shady and dark, even in my suit I was shivering. We are super close to the star, and I am cold? How can this happen? Well anyways After we started building and working, I had a strange feeling I could not shake off it was like I was being watched. But how is this planet said to be uninhabitable? I must be paranoid, there is no way there is another life.

Day 3

Today I talked with my roommate in the bunk area, and he said he felt watched too! Something is going on and it is not good. Well anyways we finally finished the mess hall and that was the hardest to do. Today was the first day we all were able to eat inside the habitat. Tomorrow the commander told us that we are building rooms for us to sleep in! Oh, I cannot wait! The feeling of being watched was not getting better or not feeling it the only place I don feel watched is in the ship. I think every astronaut feels this on a new uncolonized planet, but I don know. The records for the crew that colonized Mars are not around anymore and those were top secret. So, no info for me.

Day 4

It feels weird writing what day it is like day one blah blah blah. But this planet orbits this star faster than any in the old solar system so the earth one cannot help. Today we finally made the individual bunks so now we do not have to share our rooms! Finally, I cannot stress this enough but my roommate smells like rotting fish and when it is hot in the ship it smells TERRIBLE like rotting roadkill! I will put 8 air fresheners in his room when we are done building, and that will be done in a few days, says Commander, but I do not know if it will be done by then. Hopefully early. So, my job for the colony is to be a cook and an explorer! Good thing I was chosen to be a cook. Else Mr. Fish smells and I don want my food to smell. Today The feeling of being watched was very overwhelming. It must have been the movement of the planet.

Day 5

This planet has weather! This is a big discovery, and the best part is that the weather was rainy. I love rain so much. Also, the rain was safe and non-acidic. I wonder how long it will last. We also have fixed the electricity problem. That is a relief. It is very windy, so power is fine and dandy. For dinner I made chicken noodle soup. It was good for the first meal on a deserted planet.

Day 6

It is still raining today which is good. We now have the greenhouse up and Mr. Fish Guy is the farmer, so he does the farming and I cook. When I get the food that he has I am going to clean it cleaner than a babys bum. Anyways we also have the heaters running, which is good so that we do not need to wear 5 million clothes.

Day 7

Wow we have been here a week wow. Today we finished the habitat! I also think this rain is not going to stop. But what I am scared of is the fact that the downpour is getting harder and harder, to the point that you cannot see well. Last night I heard a weird noise like something falling or a crash. I think it was only a rock, but it did not sound like one. I told Mr. Fish to take a shower and he did, but he still smelt bad. Ewe, we also managed to get the animals out of cryostasis. So, we can start getting food. Also, we now have a good puppy to pet. The scary thing was that the momma dog was in full attack mode and all the cattle were on edge fighting us to not go to the habitat. Outside despite the mud I saw footprints! That made me terrified. At dinner I will tell the crew about that.

* * *

Alright so I told the crew after dinner, and I had looks from them as if Im crazy! I know what I saw. Whatever the commander said, she would keep watch and see what I was talking about before dark.

Day 8

So, some scary thing happened last night. First it was really foggy then it was bright and keep in mind that this was the middle of the night. Commander this morning looked shaken and terrified. I asked her whats up and she looked at me and said ”you were right. ” Now this should be something of concern, but I was right! Take that! Today was more of the same but I could hardly see the shuttle outside and that is not good. I wonder if the weather will become better? I don know, hopefully it will clear up soon. I also went out and the Commander guided me with the GPS on my way back. I found a river and a canyon and nothing else. Basically, have you ever skied in whiteout conditions? That is what it was like but driving instead of skiing. I came back and something was off as the habitat was not where the commander guided me. I was a mile away from where I should have been. I came back, and the commander tried to guide me, and she said I could not hear her as if there was interference. That is weird, there was no interference before.

Day 9

Yesterday was chaotic. I am admitting it. IT WAS HELL! What happened was that the commander fell ill after I came back, which was worrying. Then everyone looked at me and was like, ”what did you do?!? ” I said I did nothing, and I was sent to my room for the day. Fish made dinner and guess what he made Fish! Like he smells like it, but he makes it? What the hell. This morning I was finally released as the commander told them that she did not sleep well and did not feel good by the time I was back. Yay thanks commander. Besides that, chaos today was a lazy day. I just had to make dinner and check the storm.

Day 10

Today something happened and nothing good happened. As we expected the storm worsened. Now if you go outside if your suit stays together, you cannot see your hand in front of you. This is bad for many reasons.

If you are exploring out there the GPS does not work at all.

Based on what has happened recently, whatever it is out there that can get us

We cannot see

Your suit will get destroyed. Causing you to be killed by the dangerous high pressure gas.

These are the few very dangerous reasons why you can be killed outside. And for my job that is TERRIBLE. Yes, I am a cook but also, I am an explorer so half of my job is useless. That sucks but the commander needed a break, so I am subbing for her a few more days and we get less work yay.

* * *

So, it has been a few hours and I AM FREAKING OUT. I saw a hand slide across the glass of the navigation room. And keep in mind it is like a white-Ish red hue outside. No one is supposed to be outside for a prank even. And they know I am a very paranoid person, and I am already on edge like since we landed here it felt wrong to be here. So, for A HAND to go across the window with this much wind and pain to go outside THAT IS A BAD THING. Yes, it is good to find another life but bad if they are trying to hunt and kill us. I feel like I am in danger.

Day 11

Yesterday I was not in a good mood and probably tired, at least that is what Fish says hopefully he is right. I cannot shake that image though. Every time I close my eyes, I see it. Every minute I think of it. I am just trying to make sense of that. I just need to calm down. I was paranoid. Right? Right?

* * *

Later I told the Commander and she looked at me with a look of what looked to be sorrow when I told her what happened. What could this mean?

Day 12

After writing my entry for yesterday I heard what sounded like falling. And not of a person but of a boulder or piece of equipment. Like this huge heavy thing fell. Then when that falling happened there was hail and not the mini ones on earth but soccer ball sized hail. This planet is crazy. When the hail started everyone was scared that the domes were going to break. But the commander assured us it would not break the glass as the glass is reinforced well and only one massive thing can cause damage. That is scary. Although this hail does have one upside and that upside is the visibility is a bit farther. Not much but not too little.

Day 13

I went out to explore! Finally, I needed to get out of there. Else I wou

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