Li Huowang sat in a corner of the guest room, silently watching the discussions of the people from Da Qi.

In order to smoothly clear the obstacles, they seemed to be debating whether or not to win over a part of the eunuchs in the palace.

One side believed that all the eunuchs in the palace were the same, while the other side believed that a group of eunuchs from the past could still be useful.

Li Huowang ’s attention was not focused on these people, but mostly on Zhuge Yuan who was standing aside.

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Sitting there calmly, he sipped his tea like a spectator, without expressing any opinions.

Even though he held a high position in Da Qi, he could easily resolve this dispute with just a few words.

Li Huowang walked over and sat down beside him, lowering his voice as he asked, ”With all this commotion, aren ’t you going to intervene? We need a leader at a time like this. ”

”It ’s fine.
With Qin Lao here, they won ’t argue for long.
I estimate that they will take action by tomorrow at the latest.
The little emperor is not the key, the empress dowager who is in power behind the scenes is the most important. ”

I ’m going out to take care of something. ” Li Huowang stood up and walked towards the courtyard.

When he reached the deserted courtyard, Li Huowang didn ’t wait any longer and left the Liang residence directly.

As soon as Li Huowang left the Liang residence, the faded paper-cut figures on the wall suddenly spoke.

”Why haven ’t they taken action yet? We ’ve been waiting outside for so long, including the Chief Inspector. ”

Li Huowang frowned and said to the overlapping paper-cut figures, ”I haven ’t figured out where Zhuge Yuan keeps that old imperial calendar yet.
Why are you in such a hurry? ”

”Besides, if we act rashly now, we will only alert the enemy.
You all know how powerful Zhuge Yuan is. ”

”Do it as quickly as possible.
At this critical moment, we can ’t afford to be slow. ”

”I understand.
Don ’t worry, the opportunity to trouble Zhuge Yuan again for the Taoist sects will be the perfect time for us to take action.
Facing the Taoist sects, Zhuge Yuan will definitely use his old imperial calendar. ”

”Are you sure the Taoist sects will take action? ”

”They definitely will.
Zhuge Yuan and the Taoist sects are already at odds.
It ’s either a fight to the death or a broken net.
The Taoist sects have already ambushed twice before, there will definitely be a third time.
Alright, I ’m going back now, otherwise Zhuge Yuan will become suspicious. ”

After saying this to the person, Li Huowang didn ’t wait for them to say anything else and turned around to quickly walk back to the Liang residence.

As the paper-cut figures stopped moving, in a mansion several miles away, a fat woman holding a pair of red string scissors crumpled the paper-cut figures into a ball and threw them into the fire.
Then she turned to the Chief Inspector and recounted everything that had just happened.

The Chief Inspector ’s eyes narrowed as he let two beautiful young girls massage his legs and shoulders.

Seeing the incense burning out, the fat woman walked over and ground some incense powder, carefully lighting it again.

Just as the white smoke began to rise again, the Chief Inspector spoke.

”Give the order to release the two Taoist sect members from the prison and let them deliver a message to the other wind and arrow cards.
Tomorrow at noon, attack the storyteller together.
The Bureau of Heaven will take everything except the Six Astrological Books. ”

The fat woman seemed to be shocked by the Chief Inspector ’s order.
The Taoist sects have always been the mortal enemies of the Bureau of Heaven, and the Chief Inspector actually planned to do business with them!

”Chief Inspector, will they agree? ”

”I understand these fraudsters.
They will agree.
You all think they are reckless lunatics who don ’t care about the consequences, but in fact, they also have things they care about.
They just hide it well most of the time. ”

Saying this, the Chief Inspector seemed to feel a bit tired, stood up and walked towards the bed.

Hearing the footsteps, the two girls in their bellybands quickly uncovered the blanket.

When the Chief Inspector lay down, the two girls immediately curled up at the foot of the bed, holding his cracked and peeling feet tightly against their soft bodies.

The Chief Inspector sighed, struggled to turn over on the bed, and said, ”Go, when it ’s time to take action tomorrow, remind me.
This matter is of great importance, and I will personally supervise the battle. ”

”Yes, I will obey. ”

The fat woman picked up the red string scissors and snapped them in the direction of the oil lamp.
The room instantly darkened, and she lowered her head slightly towards the Chief Inspector ’s bed, slowly backing out of the room.

The next day, Li Huowang woke up early and didn ’t even eat breakfast.
He stood in the courtyard, feeling restless.
He had a feeling that something was going to happen today.

People were coming and going around him, constantly discussing things about Da Qi.
Li Huowang had completely ignored them, treating them as background noise.

After all, compared to the matters of Da Qi, the affairs of Da Liang were undoubtedly much more important.

But as a carriage arrived, Li Huowang ’s gaze was inevitably drawn to it.
A eunuch actually got off the carriage.

This eunuch was very fat and fair, and looked relatively younger.
Instead of wearing gold and silver, he held a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

He didn ’t even enter the house, but stood in the courtyard and started speaking.

”Gentlemen, there ’s no need to be busy anymore.
My godfather said he can ’t help you anymore.
Consider it as repaying the favor. ”

Qin Mengzhe, the hand of Da Qi, was obviously unwilling to let go of this opportunity.
”Eunuch, Zhuge Yuan is also here.
Are you really not considering it carefully? If we succeed, it will be a great achievement! ”

The eunuch glanced at Zhuge Yuan and quickly bowed respectfully, then said with a self-deprecating smile on his face, ”Lord Qin, what do you think is most important to us eunuchs in the palace? ”

This counter-question immediately left everyone else speechless.
The Miaojiang woman hesitated and said, ”Gold? ”

”Wrong! It ’s our sons! You can ’t help with this matter, but the Buddha can! ”

As he said this, the eunuch unbuttoned his clothes, revealing his bulging belly covered in blue veins.

As if showing off, he said excitedly, ”Who said eunuchs can ’t have children and continue their bloodline? Do you see this? Do you know what ’s inside? It ’s my son! ”

The eunuch repeatedly caressed his bulging belly with the hand holding the Buddhist beads, as if in response, a faint handprint appeared on the taut belly.

The sight sent chills down Li Huowang ’s spine.
What on earth was going on in Da Qi? How did the monks of Zhengde Temple manage to impregnate this eunuch? And was there really a living person inside that belly?

Compared to the Zhengde Temple in Da Liang, the Zhengde Temple in Da Qi clearly held much more power.

Upon witnessing this scene, Qin Mengzhe ’s hands trembled with rage.
”The Zhengde Temple is full of demon monks! You won ’t meet a good end if you keep colluding with them! ”

”Who else can help us rootless people carry on our lineage? Even if they are demon monks, or even demons, what does it matter?! ”

After saying this, the eunuch carefully wrapped his belly with his clothes.

(End of Chapter)

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